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Deficiency of estrogens in reproductive age: how to understand and what to do?

Deficiency of estrogens in reproductive age: how to understand and what to do?

Deficiency of estrogens (hypoestrogenism) in reproductive age: how to understand and what to do?

Estrogens and progesterone are the main female sex hormones that play an important role in the proper development and functioning of the female reproductive system. An absolute insufficiency of sex hormones or an imbalance between them can lead not only to various menstrual cycle disorders but also to disturbances in follicle maturation and anovulation, making pregnancy impossible.

While a low level of estrogens in menopause is considered a physiological norm, for women in reproductive age, it is a condition that not only disrupts their reproductive plans but also leads to systemic disorders in the whole body. The causes of hypoestrogenism can vary. Since estrogens are mainly produced in the ovaries, anything that affects the ovaries ultimately affects the production of estrogens.

Some of the most common causes of low estrogen levels in young women are as follows:

  • excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress
  • eating disorders such as anorexia
  • hyperprolactinemia
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • hypopituitarism
  • premature ovarian insufficiency, which can be a result of genetic defects, toxins, or autoimmune conditions
  • Turner syndrome
  • chronic kidney disease
  • toxic exposure to chemicals (including medications) and radiation

Signs of deficiency in female hormones can include the following symptoms:

  • painful intercourse due to a lack of vaginal lubrication
  • frequent recurrent urinary tract infections due to thinning of the urethral mucosa
  • irregular menstruation or amenorrhea
  • mood swings
  • hot flashes and increased sweating
  • breast tenderness
  • headaches or worsening of pre-existing migraines
  • depression
  • problems with concentration
  • fatigue
  • decreased bone density, susceptibility to bone fractures

In some cases, the absolute hormone levels may remain within the normal range, but the communication with receptors, which interact with these hormones and transmit signals to organ cells, gets disrupted. If such a situation occurs, for example, in the endometrial cells (inner layer of the uterus), it can lead to disturbances in the processes of endometrial maturation, resulting in the inability of the endometrium to accept the embryo during implantation.

Suspect a hormone deficiency in yourself?

Don't know how to increase estrogen levels to conceive?

There are many ways, and a competent doctor will definitely help you to deal with this problem. However, it's important to understand that there is no single method to increase estrogen levels for accelerating pregnancy. Achieving the desired result will require time.
